Tuesday 16 October 2012

Stingray Firewire Camera India

Stingray Firewire Camera India

Modular design, advanced features, FireWire 1394b, ideal OEM camera, ideal custom camera

The Stingray is a versatile, powerful camera for almost all applications, and an ideal custom camera or OEM camera. 

Which has have an excellent image quality and incorporate an advanced set of camera features. Their design is modular and flexible (angled heads, board level versions, AVT modular concept).

To know about Stingray Firewire Camera Dealers in India
To know the price of Stingray Firewire Camera India

Guppy Firewire Camera India

Guppy Firewire Camera India

Allied Vision Technologies offers a wide range of machine vision cameras with FireWire and Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) interface. 

AVT is the supplier of choice for cameras used for industrial inspection, automation, medical imaging, scientific research, traffic monitoring, security and many other demanding applications.

Guppy Firewire Camera
The FireWire cameras and Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) cameras by AVT can easily be integrated into your application: 

All our industrial cameras are compliant with the DCAM (or IIDC) standard for FireWire, and the GigE Vision standard for Gigabit Ethernet.

To know about Guppy Firewire Camera Dealers in India
To know Price of Guppy Firewire Camera India